Dataset module


The dataset class is used to create a valid object with the main idea to be used within the Experiment class. This approach allow us to create easily different models to be trained, leaving the complexity to the class itself.

You have different types of datasets. The main class of datasets is kgeserver.dataset.Dataset, but this will allow to create basic datasets from a csv or JSON file, without any restriction of triples or relations that may not be useful for the dataset and makes the binary file very big.

You have several Datasets that work with some of the most well known and free knowledge graphs on Internet. Those are:

  • WikidataDataset: This class can manage all queries from the Wikidata portal, including wikidata id’s prepended with Q, like in Q1492. It is fully ready to perform any you need with really good results.
  • ESDBpediaDataset: This class is not as well ready as Wikidata, but is able to perform SPARQL Queries to get entities and relations on the Spanish DBpedia.

The most interesting feature that those Dataset class provides is to build a local dataset with making multiple parallel queries to the SPARQL endpoints to retrieve all information about a given topic. You can start by getting a seed_vector of the entities you want to focus on and then build a n levels graph by quering each entity to its relations with other new entities.

The seed vector can be obtained through the load_from_graph_pattern method. After that, you should save it on a variable and pass it as an argument to the load_dataset_recurrently method. This is the function that will make several queries to fill the dataset with the desried levels of depth.

To save the dataset into a binary format, you should use the save_to_binary method. This will allow to open the dataset later without executing any query.

Binary Dataset

The binary file of datasets are created using Pickle. It basicaly stores all the entities, all the relations and all the triples. It also stores some extra information to be able to rebuild the dataset later. The binary file is stored like a python dictionary which contains the following keys: __class__, relations, test_subs, valid_subs, train_subs and entities.

The relations and entities entries are lists, and it’s length indicates us the number of relations or entities the dataset has. The __class__ entry is for internal use of the class kgeserver.dataset. The triples are stored in three different entries, called test_subs, valid_subs and train_subs. Those subsets are created to be used for the next module, the algorithm module, wich will evaluate the dataset. This is a common practice when machine learning algorithms are used. If you need all the triples, they can be joined easily in python by adding the three lists between them:

triples = dataset["test_subs"] + dataset["valid_subs"] + dataset["train_subs"]

The split ratio commonly used is to use the 80% of the triples to train and the rest of triples are divided equally between test and valid triples. You can create a different split providing a value to dataset.train_split. It also exists an dataset.improved_split method wich takes a bit longer to create, but it is better to test the dataset.

Dataset Class

This class is used to create basic datasets. They can be filled with csv files, JSON files or even simple sparql queries.


Here is shown all the different methods to use with dataset class


This class will enable you to generate a dataset from the information present in Wikidata Knowledge base. This class only needs to get a simple graph pattern to get started to build a dataset. An example of graph pattern that should be passed to WikidataDataset.load_from_graph_pattern method:

"{ ?subject wdt:P950 ?bne . ?subject ?predicate ?object }"

It is required to bind at least three variables, because they will be used in the next queries. Those variables should be called “?subject”, “?predicate” and “?object”.



In a similar way that it occurs with WikidataDataset, this class will allow to you to create datasets from the spanish DBpedia. The graph pattern you should pass to ESDBpediaDataset.load_from_graph_pattern method looks like this:

{ ?subject dcterms:subject <ía:Trenes_de_alta_velocidad> . ?subject ?predicate ?object" }

As for WikidataDataset, you need to bind the same three variables: “?subject”, “?predicate” and “?object”.
